Noah Boggs

BORN: 2108


As the only son of Patrick and Sarah Boggs, Noah was born into a secure life of wealth and privilege.  Growing up in the affluent Metro district; looking out over the walled canals and waterways of Houston, Texas, he spent most of his childhood sheltered from the world around him, completely detached from the billions of people who suffered from extreme poverty.   His father, who was the CEO of Frontier Industries, was an obsessive individual who spent most of his time focusing on his business endeavors rather than his family.  In fact, Noah rarely saw his father outside of formal and diplomatic functions, but it was still expected that one day he would become the heir to the Boggs’ corporate legacy.

Throughout his teenage years, Noah attended an elite private school where he showed a great aptitude for science, agriculture, and creative literature.  Nevertheless, his parents insisted that he concentrate his studies on business administration and frequently disregarded any interests he had of his own.  Although his relationship with them became increasingly strained, he continued to placate their wishes out of a sense of grudging obligation.  The only respite he felt was during the occasional trips he took with his parents to visit the Cydonia Labyrinthus facilities on Mars or oversee the mining operations on Titan in orbit around Saturn.  It was in these rare moments that he began to dream of the day when he could finally choose his own path and establish an independent life for himself out amongst the stars.

As a young adult, Noah developed a close friendship with Professor Ian Galbraith who was, not only the head of Frontier Industries’ Applied Science division, but also developed the Gravity Generator utilized onboard all modern space vessels.  Their mutually eccentric and questioning natures created an instant bond between the two and Noah also looked to him as a mentor as well.  In 2129, they were both invited, along with Noah’s parents, by Bourne Industries to watch the inaugural test of the new Dark Matter Drive.  This innovative propulsion engine was designed to enable a spacecraft to travel faster than the speed of light.  Although Noah typically avoided his father’s social events at all costs, he was extremely intrigued by the idea.  Onboard Hawking Station above the Moon, his parents stood on the main observation deck surrounded by politicians and corporate benefactors, while Noah and Ian remained at the back of the room away from all of the ceremony and media attention.  As the BIC-53 HERMES prepared to embark on its maiden voyage to Saturn and back, most of those in attendance gathered by the windows to witness this historic occasion.  However, the moment the ship engaged its primary engines, there was a blinding flash of light as the HERMES exploded before their eyes.  Chunks of metal debris from the explosion hit the station with such force that it ripped through much of the outer hull.  Ian managed to pull Noah to safety just before the automatic bulkheads were sealed, but his parents, along with dozens of others, were lost to the vacuum of space.  Members of the radical terrorist organization known as Earthborn were later arrested for sabotage, but Noah remained completely devastated by the sudden death of the only family he had.