
The Draal is a nomadic pathogenic fungus which can infect virtually any living thing it comes into contact with by either projecting its spores into the air or directly into the blood stream of a new host via another infected lifeform.  Once it has entered the body of a living […]

The Draal

What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert. Use your company’s blog posts to opine on current industry topics, humanize your company, and show how your products and services can help people.

Blog Post Title

BORN: 2108 SYSTEM OF ORIGIN: SOL As the only son of Patrick and Sarah Boggs, Noah was born into a secure life of wealth and privilege.  Growing up in the affluent Metro district; looking out over the walled canals and waterways of Houston, Texas, he spent most of his childhood sheltered from […]

Noah Boggs

BORN: 2156 SYSTEM OF ORIGIN: TAU CETI The only son of Noah and Virginia Boggs, Damon was actually conceived onboard the FIC-59 ENDEAVOR as his parents and 4000 other passengers traveled from Earth to their new home on the planet Galbraith.  He was born two months prematurely in the original settlement of […]

Damon Boggs

BORN: 2193 SYSTEM OF ORIGIN: EPSILON ERIDANI The only son of Angus and Fiona Darrow, Jonas was born on Periphery Station where he spent his early childhood living with his parents in the dilapidated lower decks known as Section 8. UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Jonas Darrow


Jason Thade


Hana Saito


Isaiah Bishop


Bendai Umon


Angus Darrow

The Human race has been cataloguing stars and discovering new worlds long before they even developed the technology to leave their home system of Sol. By the year 2212, the edge of Human colonization had expanded to nearly 30 light years from Earth.  Out of over 200 stars that have […]

Primary Star Systems

DISTANCE: 11.4 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Altair 9.8 lys  Sigma Draconis 11.2 lys Eta Cassiopeiae 13 lys 61 CYGNI is a binary star system made up of two orange-red dwarfs which orbit each other at an average distance of 84 AUs.  This great separation between them means […]

61 Cygni

DISTANCE: 27.8 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Xi Bootis 19.4 lys Beta Comae Berenices 22.7 lys Alpha Centauri 25 lys   61 VIRGINIS is a yellow-orange dwarf star with a total of six planets in orbit.  The first of these planets is five times the size of Earth […]

61 Virginis

DISTANCE: 19.7 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Tau Ceti 11.9 lys Epsilon Eridani 12.4 lys Epsilon Indi 15.1 lys 82 ERIDANI is a yellow-orange dwarf with a total of six planets in orbit. The first three are located so close to their host star that they are little […]

82 Eridani

DISTANCE: 4.3 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Sirius 9.5 lys  Epsilon Indi 9.6 lys  Epsilon Eridani 12.6 ALPHA CENTAURI is a trinary star system made up of a yellow-orange primary, an orange-red secondary star, and a very cool and dim red dwarf. Alpha Centauri A has four planets in […]

Alpha Centauri

DISTANCE: 16.7 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS:  61 Cygni 9.7 lys  Gliese 876 13.8 lys  Epsilon Indi 17.1 lys ALTAIR is a white dwarf which has over ten times the visual luminosity of Sol.  It has over twice the amount of heavy elements and radiates much more in ultraviolet wavelengths.  […]


DISTANCE: 29.8 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Chara 8.1 lys  Xi Bootis 13.3 lys  Groombridge 1618 20.5 lys BETA COMAE BERENICES is a yellow-orange dwarf with six planets in orbit including three small rocky worlds and three large gas giants.  Each of these planets has at least three […]

Beta Comae Berenices

DISTANCE: 24.3 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS:  Delta Pavonis 9.3 lys  Epsilon Indi 14.3 lys  82 Eridani 15.2 lys BETA HYDRI is a yellow-orange dwarf which is currently classified as a subgiant.  This star is evolving off the main sequence as it begins to fuse increasing amounts of helium […]

Beta Hydri

DISTANCE: 27.3 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Beta Comae Berenices 8.1 lys Groombridge 1618 14.9 lys Xi Bootis 16.5 lys CHARA, also referred to as Beta Canum Venaticorum, is a yellow-orange dwarf star with a system of four planets.  This includes three small rocky worlds, all of which orbit in […]


DISTANCE: 29.5 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Kappa Ceti 7.4 lys  82 Eridani 17.1 lys  Epsilon Eridani 19 lys DELTA ERIDANI began its stellar life cycle as a main sequence yellow-white dwarf.  However, hydrogen fusion has ceased within its core causing it to expand into an orange-red subgiant.  […]

Delta Eridani

DISTANCE: 19.9 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Epsilon Indi 9.2 lys  Beta Hydri 9.3 lys  Alpha Centauri 16.5 lys DELTA PAVONIS is a yellow-orange dwarf with five planets in orbit that includes three small rocky worlds and two large gas giants.  There are also two separate asteroid fields; the […]

Delta Pavonis

DISTANCE: 10.5 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Tau Ceti 5.5 lys  Sirius 7.8 lys  82 Eridani 12.4 lys EPSILON ERIDANI is a relatively young orange-red dwarf with a system that is still in the process of forming.  Yet there are four distinct planets in orbit, including three small […]

Epsilon Eridani

DISTANCE: 11.8 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Delta Pavonis 9.2 lys  Alpha Centauri 9.6 lys  Gliese 876 10.5 lys EPSILON INDI is an orange-red dwarf with four planets in orbit including three small rocky worlds and one gas giant that is nearly twice the size of Jupiter.  Beyond […]

Epsilon Indi

DISTANCE: 19.4 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Sigma Draconis 11.2 lys  61 Cygni 13 lys  Iota Persei 17.9 lys ETA CASSIOPEIAE is a binary system in which the two stars move in a wide, eccentric orbit.  Separated by an average distance of 72 AUs, the effects from the […]

Eta Cassiopeiae

DISTANCE: 15.2 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Delta Pavonis 9.2 lys  Tau Ceti 10 lys  Epsilon Indi 10.5 GLIESE 876 is a very cool and dim red dwarf with five planets in orbit which include two rocky worlds and three Jupiter-class gas giants.  These gas giants all have […]

Gliese 876

DISTANCE: 15.9 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Procyon 13.1 lys  Chara 14.9 lys  Sirius 16.7 lys GROOMBRIDGE 1618 is an orange-red dwarf which is chromo-spherically active and classified as a flare star.  A total of five planets have relatively circular orbits and consist of three rocky worlds and […]

Groombridge 1618

DISTANCE: 28.7 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Delta Pavonis 18.5 lys  Altair 18.5 lys  Gliese 876 19.7 lys HR 7722 is an orange-red dwarf which has a total of six planets in orbit including two rocky worlds and four gas giants.  Although evidence shows that, at one time, […]

HR 7722

DISTANCE: 29.9 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Delta Eridani 7.4 lys  Epsilon Eridani 19.8 lys  Tau Ceti  20.5 lys KAPPA CETI is a yellow-orange dwarf star which is prone to frequent and often violent coronal mass ejections.  These “superflares” release thousands of times more energy than anything ever […]

Kappa Ceti

DISTANCE: 11.5 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Sirius 5.2 lys  Alpha Centauri 13 lys  Groombridge 1618 13.1 lys PROCYON is a binary star system which consists of both a large yellow-white dwarf and a small white dwarf companion with an average distance between them of only 14.9 AUs.  Procyon […]


DISTANCE: 18.8 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: 61 Cygni 11.2 lys  Eta Cassiopeiae 11.2 lys  Groombridge 1618 16.8 lys SIGMA DRACONIS is a yellow-orange dwarf with four planets in orbit including two small rocky worlds in the innermost regions and two large gas giants at the outer edge […]

Sigma Draconis

DISTANCE: 8.6 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Procyon 5.2 lys  Epsilon Eridani 7.8 lys  Alpha Centauri 9.5 lys SIRIUS is a binary star system which consists of two white dwarfs with an average distance between them of only 19.8 AUs.  Sirius A, nicknamed the “Dog Star”, is over […]


NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Alpha Centauri 4.3 lys (light years) Sirius 8.6 lys  Epsilon Eridani 10.5 lys SOL is a yellow-orange dwarf located in the outer spiral arm of Orion.  Its circular orbit around the center of the Milky Way is only slightly inclined relative to the Galactic plane; preventing it from plunging […]


DISTANCE: 11.9 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Epsilon Eridani 5.5 lys  Gliese 876 10 lys  Epsilon Indi 11.5 lys TAU CETI is a yellow-orange dwarf with a total of seven planets in orbit.  Six of these are rocky worlds that are in close proximity to the host star while […]

Tau Ceti

DISTANCE: 22.1 light years (lys) from Sol NEIGHBORING SYSTEMS: Beta Comae Berenices 13.3 lys  Chara 16.5 lys  61 Virginis 19.4 lys XI BOOTIS is a binary system in which the two stars move in a highly elliptical orbit and are separated by an average distance of 34 AUs.  At this […]

Xi Bootis

“Earth is the cradle of Humanity. But one cannot live in a cradle forever.” – Konstantin Tsiolkovsky —————————————– Since before recorded history, the Human race has gazed up at the stars and dreamed of all the wondrous possibilities that might exist beyond the heavens.  In 1969, when the Apollo 11 […]

A History of Space Travel

The United Earth Conglomerate (UEC) was established in 2093 as a multi-national regulatory commission in order to facilitate and monitor all off-world commercial activities within the Sol system.  Privatized mining operations on the moon and throughout the main asteroid belt had already become an integral part of the world economy.  […]

United Earth Conglomerate